Saturday, 5 February 2011

A lock-out looms

A quote from Mike Carlson's weekly column on NFLUK. I think it speaks for itself:

'Green Bay, of course, is the only NFL team without an owner, being a publicly-held company whose shareholders choose a board which chooses a president. This also means they are the only NFL team whose finances are open to public scrutiny, which is important when you're examining the battle over a new CBA, because the real issue is not what percentage of revenue goes to the players, but revenue goes into the pot that is shared. The owners want money set aside so they can build new stadia, and they want more money kept out of the pot which they share, not just with the players, but with other owners.

This is the legacy of Pete Rozelle being destroyed just as surely as politics over the past 30 years has been dedicated to destroying the remnants of the New Deal in America or the welfare state here. My question is which would YOU prefer: the publicly-owned Packers, who can't threaten to move to LA or charge $20 to park at pre-season practice, or butcher rosters and play with coaches with impunity, or more Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder, or Al Davis? Snyder, BTW, is using Super Bowl week to launch the mother of all libel suits against the Washington City Paper, who illustrated their very complete and to all impressions accurate guide with a photo of Dan grafittied to look like the devil, which his lawyers say is anti-Semetic. Call it the Protocols of the Elders of Zorn.'

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